Sunday, February 20, 2011

Grade, Lesson Plan, Rinse, Repeat

This weekend has been packed full of grading and lesson planning.  I start teaching my work sample on Tuesday and Shawn needs a copy of my unit plan and a copy of the lesson I'll be teaching.  I had an opportunity to grade short answer/vocab. and multiple choice unit exams for my AP Psychology class.  And, I got to score some Freshman narrative essays.  I feel like a "real" teacher, complete with a busy work load to finish at home.  I understand that a bulk of my work will be done in my classroom, but another large portion will be done at home. 

While this weekend was busy and full, I loved it just the same :)


  1. you have to give shawn a unit plan??! My supervisor didnt need that... but yay that you've gotten it out of the way!

  2. Yep. He wanted a unit plan (I think so that he knows what I'm going to be doing) and a full copy of my work sample before I'm done teaching. He also needs a copy of each lesson before he comes to observe.
